The gameplay, which you can see in the video below, is narrated by game director Jeff Lydell and design director Ian Christy from developer Gasket Games. We see a small group of Stormcast Eternals during a mid-to-late battle of the campaign against a modest Nighthaunt army. The Stormcast Eternals’ numbers are few, so Lydell makes smart use of his units’ skills as well as knowledge of the environment (pushback, high ground bonuses, lethal hazards etc) to win the assasination mission. Last time I checked in on Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground, I thought the turn-based strategy game looked pretty good, and based on this more detailed look at the game I still think it will offer a decent XCOM-style take on the Warhammer tabletop. There are some interesting choices to be made, and the potential for clever combos if you can create the right setup. I still think it could do with a few more factions at launch, though. Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Storm Ground is due out on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch with crossplay support on 27th May.